
  • SPSS 스타일로 데이터 분석하기
    R 2018. 12. 27. 19:00

    유용한 패키지를 발견했다.

    마케팅 분야나 사회조사에서 빈도표와 교차표(분할표)를 아주 많이 사용하고 있다. 얼마전에 강의했던 곳에서도 SPSS를 대체해서 R로 데이터분석을 하고 싶은데, 가장 많은 질문은 SPSS로 작성하는 빈도표나 교차표를 어떻게 R에서 작성하는 지를 많이 질문했다. 또한 변수가 가지는 값에 대한 설명의 설정도 질문했다.

    이 질문에 대답이 될 수 있는 하나의 패키지이다.
    바로 expss 이다.

    아래의 사이트를 참고하면 많은 도움이 될 것 같다.

    앞으로 이 부분을 잘 학습해서,
    마케팅 관련된 분야에서 근무하시는 사람들을 위한 책이나 강의를 해야겠다.

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    expss package provides tabulation functions with support for ‘SPSS’-style labels, multiple / nested banners, weights, multiple-response variables and significance testing. There are facilities for nice output of tables in ‘knitr’, R notebooks, ‘Shiny’ and ‘Jupyter’ notebooks. Proper methods for labelled variables add value labels support to base R functions and to some functions from other packages. Additionally, the package offers useful functions for data processing in marketing research / social surveys - popular data transformation functions from ‘SPSS’ Statistics (‘RECODE’, ‘COUNT’, ‘COMPUTE’, ‘DO IF’, etc.) and ‘Excel’ (‘COUNTIF’, ‘VLOOKUP’, etc.). Package is intended to help people to move data processing from ‘Excel’/‘SPSS’ to R. See examples below. You can get help about any function by typing ?function_name in the R console.


    expss is on CRAN, so for installation you can print in the console install.packages("expss").

    Cross-tablulation examples

    We will use for demonstartion well-known mtcars dataset. Let’s start with adding labels to the dataset. Then we can continue with tables creation.

    mtcars = apply_labels(mtcars,
                          mpg = "Miles/(US) gallon",
                          cyl = "Number of cylinders",
                          disp = "Displacement (cu.in.)",
                          hp = "Gross horsepower",
                          drat = "Rear axle ratio",
                          wt = "Weight (1000 lbs)",
                          qsec = "1/4 mile time",
                          vs = "Engine",
                          vs = c("V-engine" = 0,
                                 "Straight engine" = 1),
                          am = "Transmission",
                          am = c("Automatic" = 0,
                          gear = "Number of forward gears",
                          carb = "Number of carburetors"

    For quick cross-tabulation there are fre and cro family of function. For simplicity we demonstrate here only cro_cpct which caluclates column percent. Documentation for other functions, such as cro_cases for counts, cro_rpct for row percent, cro_tpctfor table percent and cro_fun for custom summary functions can be seen by typing ?cro and ?cro_fun in the console.

    # 'cro' examples
    # just simple crosstabulation, similar to base R 'table' function
    cro(mtcars$am, mtcars$vs)
     V-engine  Straight engine 
       Automatic 127
       Manual 67
       #Total cases 1814
    # Table column % with multiple banners
    cro_cpct(mtcars$cyl, list(total(), mtcars$am, mtcars$vs))
     #Total   Transmission   Engine 
      Automatic  Manual   V-engine  Straight engine 
     Number of cylinders 
       4 34.4 15.861.5 5.671.4
       6 21.9 21.123.1 16.728.6
       8 43.8 63.215.4 77.8
       #Total cases 32 1913 1814
    # or, the same result with another notation
    mtcars %>% calc_cro_cpct(cyl, list(total(), am, vs))
     #Total   Transmission   Engine 
      Automatic  Manual   V-engine  Straight engine 
     Number of cylinders 
       4 34.4 15.861.5 5.671.4
       6 21.9 21.123.1 16.728.6
       8 43.8 63.215.4 77.8
       #Total cases 32 1913 1814
    # Table with nested banners (column %).          
    mtcars %>% calc_cro_cpct(cyl, list(total(), am %nest% vs))     
     #Total   Transmission 
      Automatic   Manual 
      Engine   Engine 
      V-engine  Straight engine   V-engine  Straight engine 
     Number of cylinders 
       4 34.4 42.9 16.7100
       6 21.9 57.1 50.0
       8 43.8 100 33.3
       #Total cases 32 127 67

    We have more sophisticated interface for table construction with magrittr piping. Table construction consists of at least of three functions chained with pipe operator: %>%. At first we need to specify variables for which statistics will be computed with tab_cells. Secondary, we calculate statistics with one of the tab_stat_* functions. And last, we finalize table creation with tab_pivot, e. g.: dataset %>% tab_cells(variable) %>% tab_stat_cases() %>% tab_pivot(). After that we can optionally sort table with tab_sort_asc, drop empty rows/columns with drop_rc and transpose with tab_transpose. Resulting table is just a data.frameso we can use usual R operations on it. Detailed documentation for table creation can be seen via ?tables. For significance testing see ?significance. Generally, tables automatically translated to HTML for output in knitr or Jupyter notebooks. However, if we want HTML output in the R notebooks or in the RStudio viewer we need to set options for that: expss_output_rnotebook() or expss_output_viewer().

    # simple example
    mtcars %>% 
        tab_cells(cyl) %>% 
        tab_cols(total(), am) %>% 
        tab_stat_cpct() %>% 
     #Total   Transmission 
      Automatic  Manual 
     Number of cylinders 
       4 34.4 15.861.5
       6 21.9 21.123.1
       8 43.8 63.215.4
       #Total cases 32 1913
    # table with caption
    mtcars %>% 
        tab_cells(mpg, disp, hp, wt, qsec) %>%
        tab_cols(total(), am) %>% 
        tab_stat_mean_sd_n() %>%
        tab_last_sig_means(subtable_marks = "both") %>% 
        tab_pivot() %>% 
        set_caption("Table with summary statistics and significance marks.")
    Table with summary statistics and significance marks.
     #Total   Transmission 
      Automatic   Manual 
      A   B 
     Miles/(US) gallon 
       Mean 20.1  17.1 < B 24.4 > A
       Std. dev. 6.0  3.8   6.2  
       Unw. valid N 32.0  19.0   13.0  
     Displacement (cu.in.) 
       Mean 230.7  290.4 > B 143.5 < A
       Std. dev. 123.9  110.2   87.2  
       Unw. valid N 32.0  19.0   13.0  
     Gross horsepower 
       Mean 146.7  160.3   126.8  
       Std. dev. 68.6  53.9   84.1  
       Unw. valid N 32.0  19.0   13.0  
     Weight (1000 lbs) 
       Mean 3.2  3.8 > B 2.4 < A
       Std. dev. 1.0  0.8   0.6  
       Unw. valid N 32.0  19.0   13.0  
     1/4 mile time 
       Mean 17.8  18.2   17.4  
       Std. dev. 1.8  1.8   1.8  
       Unw. valid N 32.0  19.0   13.0  
    # Table with the same summary statistics. Statistics labels in columns.
    mtcars %>% 
        tab_cells(mpg, disp, hp, wt, qsec) %>%
        tab_cols(total(label = "#Total| |"), am) %>% 
        tab_stat_fun(Mean = w_mean, "Std. dev." = w_sd, "Valid N" = w_n, method = list) %>%
     #Total   Transmission 
         Automatic   Manual 
     Mean  Std. dev.  Valid N   Mean  Std. dev.  Valid N   Mean  Std. dev.  Valid N 
     Miles/(US) gallon 20.16.032 17.13.819 24.46.213
     Displacement (cu.in.) 230.7123.932 290.4110.219 143.587.213
     Gross horsepower 146.768.632 160.353.919 126.884.113
     Weight (1000 lbs) 3.21.032 3.80.819 2.40.613
     1/4 mile time 17.81.832 18.21.819 17.41.813
    # Different statistics for different variables.
    mtcars %>%
        tab_cols(total(), vs) %>%
        tab_cells(mpg) %>% 
        tab_stat_mean() %>% 
        tab_stat_valid_n() %>% 
        tab_cells(am) %>%
        tab_stat_cpct(total_row_position = "none", label = "col %") %>%
        tab_stat_rpct(total_row_position = "none", label = "row %") %>%
        tab_stat_tpct(total_row_position = "none", label = "table %") %>%
        tab_pivot(stat_position = "inside_rows") 
      #Total   Engine 
       V-engine  Straight engine 
     Miles/(US) gallon 
       Mean  20.1 16.624.6
       Valid N  32.0 18.014.0
       Automatic  col %  59.4 66.750.0
       row %  100.0 63.236.8
       table %  59.4 37.521.9
       Manual  col %  40.6 33.350.0
       row %  100.0 46.253.8
       table %  40.6 18.821.9
    # Table with split by rows and with custom totals.
    mtcars %>% 
        tab_cells(cyl) %>% 
        tab_cols(total(), vs) %>% 
        tab_rows(am) %>% 
        tab_stat_cpct(total_row_position = "above",
                      total_label = c("number of cases", "row %"),
                      total_statistic = c("u_cases", "u_rpct")) %>% 
      #Total   Engine 
       V-engine  Straight engine 
       Automatic  Number of cylinders  #number of cases  19 127
       #row %  100 63.236.8
       4  15.8 42.9
       6  21.1 57.1
       8  63.2 100.0
       Manual  Number of cylinders  #number of cases  13 67
       #row %  100 46.253.8
       4  61.5 16.7100.0
       6  23.1 50.0
       8  15.4 33.3
    # Linear regression by groups.
    mtcars %>% 
        tab_cells(sheet(mpg, disp, hp, wt, qsec)) %>% 
        tab_cols(total(label = "#Total| |"), am) %>% 
                frm = reformulate(".", response = names(x)[1])
                model = lm(frm, data = x)
                sheet('Coef.' = coef(model), 
        ) %>% 
     #Total   Transmission 
         Automatic   Manual 
     Coef.  2.5 %  97.5 %   Coef.  2.5 %  97.5 %   Coef.  2.5 %  97.5 % 
     (Intercept) 27.39.645.1 21.8-1.945.5 13.3-21.948.4
     Displacement (cu.in.) 0.0-0.10.1
     Gross horsepower 0.0-0.10.0 0.0-0.10.0
     Weight (1000 lbs) -4.6-7.2-2.0 -2.3-5.00.4 -7.7-12.5-2.9
     1/4 mile time 0.5-0.41.5 0.4-0.71.6 1.6-0.23.4

    Example of data processing with multiple-response variables

    Here we use truncated dataset with data from product test of two samples of chocolate sweets. 150 respondents tested two kinds of sweets (codenames: VSX123 and SDF546). Sample was divided into two groups (cells) of 75 respondents in each group. In cell 1 product VSX123 was presented first and then SDF546. In cell 2 sweets were presented in reversed order. Questions about respondent impressions about first product are in the block A (and about second tested product in the block B). At the end of the questionnaire there was a question about the preferences between sweets.

    List of variables:

    • id Respondent Id
    • cell First tested product (cell number)
    • s2a Age
    • a1_1-a1_6 What did you like in these sweets? Multiple response. First tested product
    • a22 Overall quality. First tested product
    • b1_1-b1_6 What did you like in these sweets? Multiple response. Second tested product
    • b22 Overall quality. Second tested product
    • c1 Preferences
    w = product_test # shorter name to save some keystrokes
    # here we recode variables from first/second tested product to separate variables for each product according to their cells
    # 'h' variables - VSX123 sample, 'p' variables - 'SDF456' sample
    # also we recode preferences from first/second product to true names
    # for first cell there are no changes, for second cell we should exchange 1 and 2.
    w = w %>% 
        do_if(cell == 1, {
            recode(a1_1 %to% a1_6, other ~ copy) %into% (h1_1 %to% h1_6)
            recode(b1_1 %to% b1_6, other ~ copy) %into% (p1_1 %to% p1_6)
            recode(a22, other ~ copy) %into% h22
            recode(b22, other ~ copy) %into% p22
            c1r = c1
        }) %>% 
        do_if(cell == 2, {
            recode(a1_1 %to% a1_6, other ~ copy) %into% (p1_1 %to% p1_6)
            recode(b1_1 %to% b1_6, other ~ copy) %into% (h1_1 %to% h1_6)
            recode(a22, other ~ copy) %into% p22
            recode(b22, other ~ copy) %into% h22
            recode(c1, 1 ~ 2, 2 ~ 1, other ~ copy) %into% c1r
        }) %>% 
            # recode age by groups
            age_cat = recode(s2a, lo %thru% 25 ~ 1, lo %thru% hi ~ 2)
            # count number of likes
            # codes 2 and 99 are ignored.
            h_likes = count_row_if(1 | 3 %thru% 98, h1_1 %to% h1_6) 
            p_likes = count_row_if(1 | 3 %thru% 98, p1_1 %to% p1_6) 
    # here we prepare labels for future usage
    codeframe_likes = num_lab("
        1 Liked everything
        2 Disliked everything
        3 Chocolate
        4 Appearance
        5 Taste
        6 Stuffing
        7 Nuts
        8 Consistency
        98 Other
        99 Hard to answer
    overall_liking_scale = num_lab("
        1 Extremely poor 
        2 Very poor
        3 Quite poor
        4 Neither good, nor poor
        5 Quite good
        6 Very good
        7 Excellent
    w = apply_labels(w, 
        c1r = "Preferences",
        c1r = num_lab("
            1 VSX123 
            2 SDF456
            3 Hard to say
        age_cat = "Age",
        age_cat = c("18 - 25" = 1, "26 - 35" = 2),
        h1_1 = "Likes. VSX123",
        p1_1 = "Likes. SDF456",
        h1_1 = codeframe_likes,
        p1_1 = codeframe_likes,
        h_likes = "Number of likes. VSX123",
        p_likes = "Number of likes. SDF456",
        h22 = "Overall quality. VSX123",
        p22 = "Overall quality. SDF456",
        h22 = overall_liking_scale,
        p22 = overall_liking_scale

    Are there any significant differences between preferences? Yes, difference is significant.

    # 'tab_mis_val(3)' remove 'hard to say' from vector 
    w %>% tab_cols(total(), age_cat) %>% 
          tab_cells(c1r) %>% 
          tab_mis_val(3) %>% 
          tab_stat_cases() %>% 
          tab_last_sig_cases() %>% 
     #Total   Age 
      18 - 25  26 - 35 
       VSX123 94.0  46.0 48.0 
       SDF456 50.0  22.0 28.0 
       Hard to say  
       #Chi-squared p-value <0.05  (warn.)
       #Total cases 144.0  68.0 76.0 

    Further we calculate distribution of answers in the survey questions.

    # lets specify repeated parts of table creation chains
    banner = w %>% tab_cols(total(), age_cat, c1r) 
    # column percent with significance
    tab_cpct_sig = . %>% tab_stat_cpct() %>% 
                        tab_last_sig_cpct(sig_labels = paste0("<b>",LETTERS, "</b>"))
    # means with siginifcance
    tab_means_sig = . %>% tab_stat_mean_sd_n(labels = c("<b><u>Mean</u></b>", "sd", "N")) %>% 
                              sig_labels = paste0("<b>",LETTERS, "</b>"),   
                              keep = "means")
    # Preferences
    banner %>% 
        tab_cells(c1r) %>% 
        tab_cpct_sig() %>% 
     #Total   Age   Preferences 
      18 - 25   26 - 35   VSX123   SDF456   Hard to say 
      A   B   A   B   C 
       VSX123 62.7  65.7  60.0  100.0   
       SDF456 33.3  31.4  35.0   100.0  
       Hard to say 4.0  2.9  5.0    100.0 
       #Total cases 150  70  80  94  50  
    # Overall liking
    banner %>%  
        tab_cells(h22) %>% 
        tab_means_sig() %>% 
        tab_cpct_sig() %>%  
        tab_cells(p22) %>% 
        tab_means_sig() %>% 
        tab_cpct_sig() %>%
     #Total   Age   Preferences 
      18 - 25   26 - 35   VSX123   SDF456   Hard to say 
      A   B   A   B   C 
     Overall quality. VSX123 
       Mean 5.5  5.4  5.6  5.3  5.8 A 5.5 
       Extremely poor      
       Very poor      
       Quite poor 2.0  2.9  1.2   3.2    
       Neither good, nor poor 10.7  11.4  10.0   14.9 B 2.0  16.7 
       Quite good 39.3  45.7  33.8   40.4   38.0  33.3 
       Very good 33.3  24.3  41.2 A 30.9   38.0  33.3 
       Excellent 14.7  15.7  13.8   10.6   22.0  16.7 
       #Total cases 150  70  80   94   50  
     Overall quality. SDF456 
       Mean 5.4  5.3  5.4  5.4  5.3  5.7 
       Extremely poor      
       Very poor 0.7   1.2  1.1   
       Quite poor 2.7  4.3  1.2  2.1  4.0  
       Neither good, nor poor 16.7  20.0  13.8  18.1  14.0  16.7 
       Quite good 31.3  27.1  35.0  28.7  38.0  16.7 
       Very good 35.3  35.7  35.0  35.1  34.0  50.0 
       Excellent 13.3  12.9  13.8  14.9  10.0  16.7 
       #Total cases 150  70  80  94  50  
    # Likes
    banner %>% 
        tab_cells(h_likes) %>% 
        tab_means_sig() %>% 
        tab_cells(mrset(h1_1 %to% h1_6)) %>% 
        tab_cpct_sig() %>% 
        tab_cells(p_likes) %>% 
        tab_means_sig() %>% 
        tab_cells(mrset(p1_1 %to% p1_6)) %>% 
        tab_cpct_sig() %>%
     #Total   Age   Preferences 
      18 - 25   26 - 35   VSX123   SDF456   Hard to say 
      A   B   A   B   C 
     Number of likes. VSX123 
       Mean 2.0  2.0  2.1  1.9  2.2  2.3 
     Likes. VSX123 
       Liked everything      
       Disliked everything 3.3  1.4  5.0   4.3  2.0   
       Chocolate 34.0  38.6  30.0   35.1  32.0   33.3  
       Appearance 29.3  21.4  36.2 A 25.5  38.0   16.7  
       Taste 32.0  38.6  26.2   23.4  48.0 A 33.3  
       Stuffing 27.3  20.0  33.8   28.7  26.0   16.7  
       Nuts 66.7  72.9  61.3   69.1  60.0   83.3  
       Consistency 12.0  4.3  18.8 A 8.5  14.0   50.0 A B
       Hard to answer      
       #Total cases 150  70  80   94  50   6  
     Number of likes. SDF456 
       Mean 2.0  2.0  2.1  2.0  2.0  2.0 
     Likes. SDF456 
       Liked everything      
       Disliked everything 1.3  1.4  1.2  2.1   
       Chocolate 32.0  27.1  36.2  29.8  34.0  50.0 
       Appearance 32.0  35.7  28.7  34.0  30.0  16.7 
       Taste 39.3  42.9  36.2  36.2  44.0  50.0 
       Stuffing 27.3  24.3  30.0  31.9  20.0  16.7 
       Nuts 61.3  60.0  62.5  58.5  68.0  50.0 
       Consistency 10.0  5.7  13.8  11.7  6.0  16.7 
       Other 0.7   1.2  1.1   
       Hard to answer      
       #Total cases 150  70  80  94  50  
    # below more complicated table where we compare likes side by side
    # Likes - side by side comparison
    w %>% 
        tab_cols(total(label = "#Total| |"), c1r) %>% 
        tab_cells(list(unvr(mrset(h1_1 %to% h1_6)))) %>% 
        tab_stat_cpct(label = var_lab(h1_1)) %>% 
        tab_cells(list(unvr(mrset(p1_1 %to% p1_6)))) %>% 
        tab_stat_cpct(label = var_lab(p1_1)) %>% 
        tab_pivot(stat_position = "inside_columns") 
     #Total   Preferences 
         VSX123   SDF456   Hard to say 
     Likes. VSX123  Likes. SDF456   Likes. VSX123  Likes. SDF456   Likes. VSX123  Likes. SDF456   Likes. VSX123  Likes. SDF456 
     Liked everything    
     Disliked everything 3.31.3 4.32.1 2 
     Chocolate 34.032.0 35.129.8 3234 33.350.0
     Appearance 29.332.0 25.534.0 3830 16.716.7
     Taste 32.039.3 23.436.2 4844 33.350.0
     Stuffing 27.327.3 28.731.9 2620 16.716.7
     Nuts 66.761.3 69.158.5 6068 83.350.0
     Consistency 12.010.0 8.511.7 146 50.016.7
     Other 0.7 1.1  
     Hard to answer    
     #Total cases 150150 9494 5050 66

    We can save labelled dataset as *.csv file with accompanying R code for labelling.

    write_labelled_csv(w, file  filename = "product_test.csv")

    Or, we can save dataset as *.csv file with SPSS syntax to read data and apply labels.

    write_labelled_spss(w, file  filename = "product_test.csv")

    Labels support for base R

    Variable label is human readable description of the variable. R supports rather long variable names and these names can contain even spaces and punctuation but short variables names make coding easier. Variable label can give a nice, long description of variable. With this description it is easier to remember what those variable names refer to. Value labels are similar to variable labels, but value labels are descriptions of the values a variable can take. Labeling values means we don’t have to remember if 1=Extremely poor and 7=Excellent or vice-versa. We can easily get dataset description and variables summary with infofunction.

    The usual way to connect numeric data to labels in R is in factor variables. However, factors miss important features which the value labels provide. Factors only allow for integers to be mapped to a text label, these integers have to be a count starting at 1 and every value need to be labelled. Also, we can’t calculate means or other numeric statistics on factors.

    With labels we can manipulate short variable names and codes when we analyze our data but in the resulting tables and graphs we will see human-readable text.

    It is easy to store labels as variable attributes in R but most R functions cannot use them or even drop them. expss package integrates value labels support into base R functions and into functions from other packages. Every function which internally converts variable to factor will utilize labels. Labels will be preserved during variables subsetting and concatenation. Additionally, there is a function (use_labels) which greatly simplify variable labels usage. See examples below.

    Getting and setting variable and value labels

    First, apply value and variables labels to dataset:

    mtcars = apply_labels(mtcars,
                          mpg = "Miles/(US) gallon",
                          cyl = "Number of cylinders",
                          disp = "Displacement (cu.in.)",
                          hp = "Gross horsepower",
                          drat = "Rear axle ratio",
                          wt = "Weight (1000 lbs)",
                          qsec = "1/4 mile time",
                          vs = "Engine",
                          vs = c("V-engine" = 0,
                                 "Straight engine" = 1),
                          am = "Transmission",
                          am = c("Automatic" = 0,
                          gear = "Number of forward gears",
                          carb = "Number of carburetors"

    In addition to apply_labels we have SPSS-style var_lab and val_lab functions:

    nps = c(-1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, -1)
    var_lab(nps) = "Net promoter score"
    val_lab(nps) = num_lab("
                -1 Detractors
                 0 Neutralists    
                 1 Promoters    

    We can read, add or remove existing labels:

    var_lab(nps) # get variable label
    ## [1] "Net promoter score"
    val_lab(nps) # get value labels
    ##  Detractors Neutralists   Promoters 
    ##          -1           0           1
    # add new labels
    add_val_lab(nps) = num_lab("
                               98 Other    
                               99 Hard to say
    # remove label by value
    # %d% - diff, %n_d% - names diff 
    val_lab(nps) = val_lab(nps) %d% 98
    # or, remove value by name
    val_lab(nps) = val_lab(nps) %n_d% "Other"

    Additionaly, there are some utility functions. They can applied on one variable as well as on the entire dataset.

    ## LABEL: Net promoter score 
    ## VALUES:
    ## -1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, -1
    ## VALUES:
    ## -1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, -1
    ## VALUE LABELS:               
    ##  -1 Detractors 
    ##   0 Neutralists
    ##   1 Promoters  
    ##  99 Hard to say
    ## [1] -1  0  1  1  0  1  1 -1
    ## LABEL: Net promoter score 
    ## VALUES:
    ## -1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, -1
    ## VALUE LABELS:               
    ##  -1 Detractors 
    ##   0 Neutralists
    ##   1 Promoters
    ## LABEL: Net promoter score 
    ## VALUES:
    ## -1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, -1
    ## VALUE LABELS:                  
    ##  -1 -1 Detractors 
    ##   0 0 Neutralists 
    ##   1 1 Promoters   
    ##  99 99 Hard to say

    There is also prepend_names function but it can be applied only to data.frame.

    Labels with base R and ggplot2 functions

    Base table and plotting with value labels:

    with(mtcars, table(am, vs))
    ##            vs
    ## am          V-engine Straight engine
    ##   Automatic       12               7
    ##   Manual           6               7
             table(am, vs), 
             beside = TRUE, 
             legend = TRUE)

    boxplot(mpg ~ am, data = mtcars)

    There is a special function for variables labels support - use_labels. By now variables labels support available only for expression which will be evaluated inside data.frame.

    # table with dimension names
    use_labels(mtcars, table(am, vs)) 
    ##             Engine
    ## Transmission V-engine Straight engine
    ##    Automatic       12               7
    ##    Manual           6               7
    # linear regression
    use_labels(mtcars, lm(mpg ~ wt + hp + qsec)) %>% summary
    ## Call:
    ## lm(formula = `Miles/(US) gallon` ~ `Weight (1000 lbs)` + `Gross horsepower` + 
    ##     `1/4 mile time`)
    ## Residuals:
    ## LABEL: Miles/(US) gallon 
    ## VALUES:
    ## -3.8591, -1.6418, -0.4636, 1.194, 5.6092
    ## Coefficients:
    ##                     Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
    ## (Intercept)         27.61053    8.41993   3.279  0.00278 ** 
    ## `Weight (1000 lbs)` -4.35880    0.75270  -5.791 3.22e-06 ***
    ## `Gross horsepower`  -0.01782    0.01498  -1.190  0.24418    
    ## `1/4 mile time`      0.51083    0.43922   1.163  0.25463    
    ## ---
    ## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    ## Residual standard error: 2.578 on 28 degrees of freedom
    ## Multiple R-squared:  0.8348, Adjusted R-squared:  0.8171 
    ## F-statistic: 47.15 on 3 and 28 DF,  p-value: 4.506e-11

    And, finally, ggplot2 graphics with variables and value labels:

    library(ggplot2, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
    use_labels(mtcars, {
        # '..data' is shortcut for all 'mtcars' data.frame inside expression 
        ggplot(..data) +
            geom_point(aes(y = mpg, x = wt, color = qsec)) +
            facet_grid(am ~ vs)

    Extreme value labels support

    We have an option for extreme values lables support: expss_enable_value_labels_support_extreme(). With this option factor/as.factor will take into account empty levels. However, unique will give weird result for labelled variables: labels without values will be added to unique values. That’s why it is recommended to turn off this option immediately after usage. See examples.

    We have label ‘Hard to say’ for which there are no values in nps:

    nps = c(-1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, -1)
    var_lab(nps) = "Net promoter score"
    val_lab(nps) = num_lab("
                -1 Detractors
                 0 Neutralists    
                 1 Promoters
                 99 Hard to say

    Here we disable labels support and get results without labels:

    table(nps) # there is no labels in the result
    ## nps
    ## -1  0  1 
    ##  2  2  4
    ## [1] -1  0  1

    Results with default value labels support - three labels are here but “Hard to say” is absent.

    # table with labels but there are no label "Hard to say"
    ## nps
    ##  Detractors Neutralists   Promoters 
    ##           2           2           4
    ## LABEL: Net promoter score 
    ## VALUES:
    ## -1, 0, 1
    ## VALUE LABELS:               
    ##  -1 Detractors 
    ##   0 Neutralists
    ##   1 Promoters  
    ##  99 Hard to say

    And now extreme value labels support - we see “Hard to say” with zero counts. Note the weird unique result.

    # now we see "Hard to say" with zero counts
    ## nps
    ##  Detractors Neutralists   Promoters Hard to say 
    ##           2           2           4           0
    # weird 'unique'! There is a value 99 which is absent in 'nps'
    ## LABEL: Net promoter score 
    ## VALUES:
    ## -1, 0, 1, 99
    ## VALUE LABELS:               
    ##  -1 Detractors 
    ##   0 Neutralists
    ##   1 Promoters  
    ##  99 Hard to say

    Return immediately to defaults to avoid issues:


    Labels are preserved during common operations on the data

    There are special methods for subsetting and concatenating labelled variables. These methods preserve labels during common operations. We don’t need to restore labels on subsetted or sorted data.frame.

    mtcars with labels:

    ## 'data.frame':    32 obs. of  11 variables:
    ##  $ mpg :Class 'labelled' num  21 21 22.8 21.4 18.7 18.1 14.3 24.4 22.8 19.2 ...
    ##    .. .. LABEL: Miles/(US) gallon 
    ##  $ cyl :Class 'labelled' num  6 6 4 6 8 6 8 4 4 6 ...
    ##    .. .. LABEL: Number of cylinders 
    ##  $ disp:Class 'labelled' num  160 160 108 258 360 ...
    ##    .. .. LABEL: Displacement (cu.in.) 
    ##  $ hp  :Class 'labelled' num  110 110 93 110 175 105 245 62 95 123 ...
    ##    .. .. LABEL: Gross horsepower 
    ##  $ drat:Class 'labelled' num  3.9 3.9 3.85 3.08 3.15 2.76 3.21 3.69 3.92 3.92 ...
    ##    .. .. LABEL: Rear axle ratio 
    ##  $ wt  :Class 'labelled' num  2.62 2.88 2.32 3.21 3.44 ...
    ##    .. .. LABEL: Weight (1000 lbs) 
    ##  $ qsec:Class 'labelled' num  16.5 17 18.6 19.4 17 ...
    ##    .. .. LABEL: 1/4 mile time 
    ##  $ vs  :Class 'labelled' num  0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 ...
    ##    .. .. LABEL: Engine 
    ##    .. .. VALUE LABELS [1:2]: 0=V-engine, 1=Straight engine 
    ##  $ am  :Class 'labelled' num  1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
    ##    .. .. LABEL: Transmission 
    ##    .. .. VALUE LABELS [1:2]: 0=Automatic, 1=Manual 
    ##  $ gear:Class 'labelled' num  4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 ...
    ##    .. .. LABEL: Number of forward gears 
    ##  $ carb:Class 'labelled' num  4 4 1 1 2 1 4 2 2 4 ...
    ##    .. .. LABEL: Number of carburetors

    Make subset of the data.frame:

    mtcars_subset = mtcars[1:10, ]

    Labels are here, nothing is lost:

    ## 'data.frame':    10 obs. of  11 variables:
    ##  $ mpg :Class 'labelled' num  21 21 22.8 21.4 18.7 18.1 14.3 24.4 22.8 19.2
    ##    .. .. LABEL: Miles/(US) gallon 
    ##  $ cyl :Class 'labelled' num  6 6 4 6 8 6 8 4 4 6
    ##    .. .. LABEL: Number of cylinders 
    ##  $ disp:Class 'labelled' num  160 160 108 258 360 ...
    ##    .. .. LABEL: Displacement (cu.in.) 
    ##  $ hp  :Class 'labelled' num  110 110 93 110 175 105 245 62 95 123
    ##    .. .. LABEL: Gross horsepower 
    ##  $ drat:Class 'labelled' num  3.9 3.9 3.85 3.08 3.15 2.76 3.21 3.69 3.92 3.92
    ##    .. .. LABEL: Rear axle ratio 
    ##  $ wt  :Class 'labelled' num  2.62 2.88 2.32 3.21 3.44 ...
    ##    .. .. LABEL: Weight (1000 lbs) 
    ##  $ qsec:Class 'labelled' num  16.5 17 18.6 19.4 17 ...
    ##    .. .. LABEL: 1/4 mile time 
    ##  $ vs  :Class 'labelled' num  0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
    ##    .. .. LABEL: Engine 
    ##    .. .. VALUE LABELS [1:2]: 0=V-engine, 1=Straight engine 
    ##  $ am  :Class 'labelled' num  1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    ##    .. .. LABEL: Transmission 
    ##    .. .. VALUE LABELS [1:2]: 0=Automatic, 1=Manual 
    ##  $ gear:Class 'labelled' num  4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 4
    ##    .. .. LABEL: Number of forward gears 
    ##  $ carb:Class 'labelled' num  4 4 1 1 2 1 4 2 2 4
    ##    .. .. LABEL: Number of carburetors

    Interaction with ‘haven’

    To use expss with haven you need to load expss strictly after haven (or other package with implemented ‘labelled’ class) to avoid conflicts. And it is better to use read_spss with explict package specification: haven::read_spss. See example below. havenpackage doesn’t set ‘labelled’ class for variables which have variable label but don’t have value labels. It leads to labels losing during subsetting and other operations. We have a special function to fix this: add_labelled_class. Apply it to dataset loaded by haven.

    # we need to load packages strictly in this order to avoid conflicts
    spss_data = haven::read_spss("spss_file.sav")
    # add missing 'labelled' class
    spss_data = add_labelled_class(spss_data) 

    Export to Microsoft Excel

    To export expss tables to *.xlsx you need to install excellent openxlsx package. To install it just type in the console install.packages("openxlsx"). On Windows system you may need also install RTools. It can be downloaded from CRAN: RTools.

    First we apply labels on the mtcars dataset and build simple table with caption.

    mtcars = apply_labels(mtcars,
                          mpg = "Miles/(US) gallon",
                          cyl = "Number of cylinders",
                          disp = "Displacement (cu.in.)",
                          hp = "Gross horsepower",
                          drat = "Rear axle ratio",
                          wt = "Weight (lb/1000)",
                          qsec = "1/4 mile time",
                          vs = "Engine",
                          vs = c("V-engine" = 0,
                                 "Straight engine" = 1),
                          am = "Transmission",
                          am = c("Automatic" = 0,
                          gear = "Number of forward gears",
                          carb = "Number of carburetors"
    mtcars_table = mtcars %>% 
            cell_vars = list(cyl, gear),
            col_vars = list(total(), am, vs)
        ) %>% 
        set_caption("Table 1")
    Table 1
     #Total   Transmission   Engine 
      Automatic  Manual   V-engine  Straight engine 
     Number of cylinders 
       4 34.4 15.861.5 5.671.4
       6 21.9 21.123.1 16.728.6
       8 43.8 63.215.4 77.8
       #Total cases 32 1913 1814
     Number of forward gears 
       3 46.9 78.9 66.721.4
       4 37.5 21.161.5 11.171.4
       5 15.6 38.5 22.27.1
       #Total cases 32 1913 1814

    Then we create workbook and add worksheet to it.

    wb = createWorkbook()
    sh = addWorksheet(wb, "Tables")

    Export - we should specify workbook and worksheet.

    xl_write(mtcars_table, wb, sh)

    And, finally, we save workbook with table to the xlsx file.

    saveWorkbook(wb, "table1.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE)

    Screenshot of the exported table: table1.xlsx

    Automation of the report generation

    First of all, we create banner which we will use for all our tables.

    banner = calc(mtcars, list(total(), am, vs))

    Then we generate list with all tables. If variables have small number of discrete values we create column percent table. In other cases we calculate table with means. For both types of tables we mark significant differencies between groups.

    list_of_tables = lapply(mtcars, function(variable) {
            cro_cpct(variable, banner) %>% significance_cpct()
        } else {
            # if number of unique values greater than seven we calculate mean
            cro_mean_sd_n(variable, banner) %>% significance_means()

    Create workbook:

    wb = createWorkbook()
    sh = addWorksheet(wb, "Tables")

    Here we export our list with tables with additional formatting. We remove ‘#’ sign from totals and mark total column with bold. You can read about formatting options in the manual fro xl_write (?xl_write in the console).

    xl_write(list_of_tables, wb, sh, 
             # remove '#' sign from totals 
             col_symbols_to_remove = "#",
             row_symbols_to_remove = "#",
             # format total column as bold
             other_col_labels_formats = list("#" = createStyle(textDecoration = "bold")),
             other_cols_formats = list("#" = createStyle(textDecoration = "bold")),

    Save workbook:

    saveWorkbook(wb, "report.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE)

    Screenshot of the generated report: report.xlsx

    Excel functions translation guide

    Let us consider Excel toy table:


    Code for creating the same table in R:

    w = text_to_columns("
            a  b  c
            2 15 50
            1 70 80
            3 30 40
            2 30 40

    w is the name of our table.


    Excel: IF(B1>60, 1, 0)

    R: Here we create new column with name d with results. ifelse function is from base R not from ‘expss’ package but included here for completeness.

    w$d = ifelse(w$b>60, 1, 0)

    If we need to use multiple transformations it is often convenient to use compute function. Inside compute we can put arbitrary number of the statements:

    w = compute(w, {
        d = ifelse(b>60, 1, 0)
        e = 42
        abc_sum = sum_row(a, b, c)
        abc_mean = mean_row(a, b, c)

    Count 1’s in the entire dataset.

    Excel: COUNTIF(A1:C4, 1)


    count_if(1, w)


    calculate(w, count_if(1, a, b, c))

    Count values greater than 1 in each row of the dataset.

    Excel: COUNTIF(A1:C1, ">1")


    w$d = count_row_if(gt(1), w)  


    w = compute(w, {
        d = count_row_if(gt(1), a, b, c) 

    Count values less than or equal to 1 in column A of the dataset.

    Excel: COUNTIF(A1:A4, "<=1")


    count_col_if(le(1), w$a)
    Table of criteria:


    Sum all values in the dataset.

    Excel: SUM(A1:C4)


    sum(w, na.rm = TRUE)

    Calculate average of each row of the dataset.

    Excel: AVERAGE(A1:C1)


    w$d = mean_row(w)  


    w = compute(w, {
        d = mean_row(a, b, c) 

    Sum values of column A of the dataset.

    Excel: SUM(A1:A4)



    Sum values greater than 40 in the entire dataset.

    Excel: SUMIF(A1:C4, ">40")


    sum_if(gt(40), w)


    calculate(w, sum_if(gt(40), a, b, c))

    Sum values less than 40 in the each row of the dataset.

    Excel: SUMIF(A1:C1, "<40")


    w$d = sum_row_if(lt(40), w)  


    w = compute(w, {
        d = sum_row_if(lt(40), a, b, c) 

    Calculate average of B column with column A values less than 3.

    Excel: AVERAGEIF(A1:A4, "<3", B1:B4)


    mean_col_if(lt(3), w$a, data = w$b)

    or, if we want calculate means for both b and c columns:

    calculate(w, mean_col_if(lt(3), a, data = sheet(b, c)))
    Our dictionary for lookup:

    Code for creating the same dictionary in R:

    dict = text_to_columns("
        x  y
        1  apples
        2  oranges
        3  peaches

    Excel: VLOOKUP(A1, $X$1:$Y$3, 2, FALSE)


    w$d = vlookup(w$a, dict, 2)

    or, we can use column names:

    w$d = vlookup(w$a, dict, "y")

    SPSS functions translation guide



    COMPUTE d = 1.


    w$d = 1

    or, in the specific data.frame

    w = compute(w, {
        d = 1

    There can be arbitrary number of statements inside compute.



    IF(a = 3) d = 2.


    w = compute(w, {
        d = ifelse(a == 3, 2, NA)


    w = compute(w, {
        d = ifs(a == 3 ~ 2)
    DO IF


    DO IF (a>1).
        COMPUTE d = 4.
    END IF.


    w = do_if(w, a>1, {
        d = 4

    There can be arbitrary number of statements inside do_if.



    COUNT cnt = a1 TO a5 (LO THRU HI).


    cnt = count_row_if(lo %thru% hi, a1 %to% a5)


    COUNT cnt = a1 TO a5 (SYSMIS).


    cnt = count_row_if(NA, a1 %to% a5)


    COUNT cnt = a1 TO a5 (1 THRU 5).


    cnt = count_row_if(1 %thru% 5, a1 %to% a5)


    COUNT cnt = a1 TO a5 (1 THRU HI).


    cnt = count_row_if(1 %thru% hi, a1 %to% a5)


    cnt = count_row_if(ge(1), a1 %to% a5)


    COUNT cnt = a1 TO a5 (LO THRU 1).


    cnt = count_row_if(lo %thru% 1, a1 %to% a5)


    cnt = count_row_if (le(1), a1 %to% a5)


    COUNT cnt = a1 TO a5 (1 THRU 5, 99).


    cnt = count_row_if(1 %thru% 5 | 99, a1 %to% a5)


    COUNT cnt = a1 TO a5(1,2,3,4,5, SYSMIS).


    cnt = count_row_if(c(1:5, NA), a1 %to% a5)

    count_row_if can be used inside compute.



    RECODE V1 (0=1) (1=0) (2, 3=-1) (9=9) (ELSE=SYSMIS)


    recode(v1) = c(0 ~ 1, 1 ~ 0, 2:3 ~ -1, 9 ~ 9, other ~ NA)


    RECODE QVAR(1 THRU 5=1)(6 THRU 10=2)(11 THRU HI=3)(ELSE=0).


    recode(qvar) = c(1 %thru% 5 ~ 1, 6 %thru% 10 ~ 2, 11 %thru% hi ~ 3, other ~ 0)


    RECODE STRNGVAR ('A', 'B', 'C'='A')('D', 'E', 'F'='B')(ELSE=' '). 


    recode(strngvar) = c(c('A', 'B', 'C') ~ 'A', c('D', 'E', 'F') ~ 'B', other ~ ' ')




    voter = recode(age, NA ~ 9, 18 %thru% hi ~ 1, 0 %thru% 18 ~ 0)
    # or
    recode(age, NA ~ 9, 18 %thru% hi ~ 1, 0 %thru% 18 ~ 0) %into% voter

    recode can be used inside compute.



    VARIABLE LABELS a "Fruits"
                    b "Cost"
                    c "Price".


    w = apply_labels(w,
                     a = "Fruits",
                     b = "Cost",
                     c = "Price"


        1 "apples"
        2 "oranges"
        3 "peaches". 


    w = apply_labels(w, 
                     a = num_lab("
                            1 apples
                            2 oranges
                            3 peaches 


    val_lab(w$a) = num_lab("
        1 apples
        2 oranges
        3 peaches 


    fre(w$a) # Frequency of fruits
    Fruits Count  Valid percent  Percent  Responses, %  Cumulative responses, % 
     apples 125252525
     oranges 250505075
     peaches 1252525100
     #Total 4100100100
     <NA> 00
    cro_cpct(w$b, w$a) # Column percent of cost by fruits
     apples  oranges  peaches 
       15 50
       30 50100
       70 100
       #Total cases 121
    cro_mean(sheet(w$b, w$c), w$a) # Mean cost and price by fruits
     apples  oranges  peaches 
     Cost 7022.530
     Price 8045.040

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